Ma Ma Dumpling

Ma Ma Dumpling



Dean Han, head chef and owner of Ma Ma Dumpling and Umami, has fond memories of making and eating dumplings as a child on special days, such as New Year's Day and Harvesting Day.

As a child, Dean and his parents, siblings, aunties, uncles and cousins would all gather at his grandparent's place for a big celebratory meal, with dumplings always on the menu. It was one of his best childhood memories of his family.

Since opening Umami, Dean noticed lots of families visiting and eating at the Markets, and so the idea of sharing a piece of his family with others was born.

Using his renowned culinary experience and family recipes, Dean opened Ma Ma Dumpling, and his dream came true again.

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open hours

Thursday - Sunday 9am - 4pm


LL Bakery & Cafe


Market Health Foods